Dental Advice by Dr. Smile | 5 July 2020

Fluoride is a mineral found naturally in water, soil, and air. Almost all water contains some fluoride, but fluoride levels can vary depending on where your water comes from.

In addition, fluoride is added to many public water supplies in India. The amount added varies by area, and not all areas add fluoride.It’s added to toothpaste and water supplies because

1. Fluoride can help prevent cavities

2. Strengthen weakened tooth enamel

3. Reverse early tooth decay

4. Limit the growth of oral bacteria

5. Slow the loss of minerals from tooth enamel

Fluoride toothpaste contains a higher concentration of fluoride than fluoridated water does, and it’s not meant to be swallowed.There’s some debate over the safety of fluoride, including fluoride toothpaste, but the American Dental Association still recommends it for both children and adults. The key is to use it correctly. Read on to learn more about the safest ways to use fluoride toothpaste and alternatives to fluoride.

Is fluoride toothpaste safe for babies and toddlers?

Good oral health is important from the start. Before a baby’s teeth come in, you can help to remove bacteria by wiping their mouth with a soft cloth.

As soon as their teeth start to come in, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends switching to a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. But babies only need a very small smear of toothpaste — no more than the size of a grain of rice.

These guidelines are a 2014 update to former recommendations, which had suggested using fluoride-free toothpaste until children reach the age of 2.

To minimize the risk of swallowing, try angling your baby’s head slightly downward so that any extra toothpaste dribbles out their mouth. If your baby or toddler does swallow some of this small amount of toothpaste, it’s okay. As long as you’re using the recommended amount of toothpaste, swallowing a little bit shouldn’t cause any problems. If you use a larger amount and your baby or toddler swallows it, they may develop an upset stomach. This isn’t necessarily harmful, but you might want to call poison control just to be safe.


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